dnf adviesco

Close to the (start-up) entrepreneur

Financial guidance from A to Z

Our added value

When starting up a company, every entrepreneur can use some accounting, tax, financial and administrative advice. dnf adviesco offers the start-up self-employed and small and medium-sized enterprises A to Z guidance. With our in-depth knowledge, we proactively think alongside you when starting up, throughout your company’s further development and in the event of its cessation or liquidation.

At dnf you have a single point of contact. That person works with a highly trained team of case managers and is assisted by a group of external specialists with whom we have been working together for many years. In order to ensure your accounting is done as efficient as possible, we use digital tools that are optimally tuned to your organisation.

Long-term partnership

We consider our relationship with you to be a long-term partnership. In this way we can keep a close eye on your company on a well-founded basis and with vision. Your company, our concern.

Customised accounting

dnf adviesco keeps accurate accounts tailored to your business and adapts its services to your needs and wishes. We offer accounting and tax guidance to the (start-up) self-employed and SMEs, such as:

  • A to Z accounts, VAT, annual accounts and tax returns

  • The organisation and follow-up of administrative and accounting services

  • The preparation of financial plans and involvement in strategic planning

  • The preparation of cash planning, budgeting and periodic audits

  • External audits of your financial situation and annual financial statements

  • Guidance on the right of scrutiny as a company shareholder

  • Advice on company law, inheritance law, family succession, subsidies, etc.

  • Advice and assistance in the event of a takeover or sale of the company

  • Special mandates on liquidation, merger, division, etc.

  • Assistance with tax audits, requests for information, amendment notifications, appeals

Independent member of
dnf belgium | indiëstraat 28 - 2000 antwerp | info@dnf.be | 03 224 11 11
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with the support of
Flanders Investment